
When you donate to the Neighborhood, you partner with us in kingdom advancement. What does that actually mean though? In keeping with our value of simplicity, we currently only have three top-level categories of spending for all funds. Any future changes to these categories will be reflected on this page. We have attempted to align our spending categories as closely to the priorities of the early church as possible, less on buildings and equipment and staff, and more on relief and multiplication of communities.

Mercy & Relief

Our first spending priority. We are currently allocating at least 50% of all donations to loving our communities and seeking their renewal. This category empowers us to show tangible love where needed most. As followers of Jesus, we are called to care for the poor, the sick, the widow and orphan, the exploited and the marginalized. It's great to be able to pray for someone who lost their job in the middle of January, it's better if they can get a heating bill paid or avoid eviction. This category also covers partnerships we form with specialized relief agencies that align with our vision and values.

Kingdom Multiplication

Another major priority is discipleship and training; equipping our whole team to join in the Great Commission, raising up lay leaders to begin new communities, and supporting the national and global expansion of the Church. We are currently allocating at least 40% of our funding to training and equipping of local and global disciples and leaders. We live by the motto of training the called over calling the trained.


Currently, no more than 10% of our funds are allocated towards "operations", which includes things like this website, filing fees, a PO Box, and online giving.