Friday - Lunchtime
To be observed between the hours of 11:00 AM and 2:00 PM. Previous - Next
Psalms: 54,55
Moment of Silence
I have calmed and quieted my soul (Ps. 131:2a)
Request for Presence
Listen to my prayer, O God.
Do not ignore my cry for help! (Ps. 55:1)
Our Father, who is in Heaven...
I will praise your name, O Lord,
for it is good. (Ps. 54:6b)
Express thankful praise for who God is and what he has done
Gloria Patri
Your Kingdom come, your will be done...
for I see violence and conflict in the city.
Its walls are patrolled day and night against invaders,
but the real danger is wickedness within the city.
Everything is falling apart (Ps. 55:9b-11a)
Pray for God's kingdom to increase locally and globally
Give us this day, our daily bread...
Give your burdens to the Lord,
and he will take care of you.
He will not permit the godly to slip and fall. (Ps. 55:22)
Bring practical needs and anxieties to the Father
Forgive us our sins...
Morning, noon, and night
I cry out in my distress,
and the Lord hears my voice. (Ps. 55:17)
Spend a moment in quiet confession and pray for healing of relational conflict
And lead us not into temptation...
But God is my helper.
The Lord keeps me alive! (Ps. 54:4)
Request the Spirit's wisdom and protection to walk in God's ways
Closing Benediction
I will praise your name, O Lord,
for it is good.
For you have rescued me from my troubles
and helped me to triumph over my enemies. (Ps. 54:6b-8)